Daniel first participated in the show during her freshman year, during which she was a member of the Red Squad. Wild N’ Out has been an annual BSU tradition for years. One thing that Daniel made clear in her email to the Round Table was that all roasts during Wild N’ Out may seem real, but they are all in good humor and are never meant to offend anyone. The winning team was even decided based on the audience’s applause the Black Team, headed by Jada Daniel, were the victors. Later, during the game Family Reunion, all of the performers ventured into the crowd to roast audience members. Prior to the official start of the show, audience members were invited on stage to showcase their best dance moves. The crowd seemed to get particularly excited by the amount of audience engagement. White and Edwards were quick with their rebuttals and kept the crowd laughing. Wild Style was dominated by the Red Squad’s Justin White ‘25 and the Black Squad’s Deo Edwards ‘22. The goal is to come up with funny rhymes about members of the opposing team. Played at the end of the show, Wild Style is a freestyle rap battle between the two squads. In an email from BSU president, Jada Daniel ‘23, it was disclosed that the only game for which there was no preparation was Wild Style. Even though all of the games in Wild N’ Out are improvisational, the two squads spent at least an hour each Sunday rehearsing since the beginning of the semester. 18 by BSU members Hope Spann ‘23 and Devin Pittman ‘23, Beloit’s Wild N’ Out brought the Wilson Auditorium to life! Members of BSU were split into two teams, the Black Squad and the Red Squad, and participated in six games. Since its premiere, Wild N’ Out has been a huge part of Black culture and has even been responsible for launching the careers of numerous Black comedians. Many of these games consist of freestyle rapping, roasting other competitors and the Wild N’ Out girls, and improvising dances. Each episode features two teams of comedians who compete in improvisational minigames.

Thanks to Black Students United (BSU), Beloit College hosted its own rendition of MTV’s “Wild N’ Out.” Premiering in 2005, “Wild N’ Out” is an improv and sketch comedy game show hosted by musician and actor Nick Cannon.